I've probably got as many crops growing in containers as I do in the ground. These green onions are one of the most sustainable crops around. Yes that is a $8 container from the dollar store. A 30 gallon heavy duty basket with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage.
For the initial investment of fifty cents to one dollar you can keep your onion crop going indefinitely. This depends on the cost of one bunch of green onions at your supermarket. It's best to start with at least two bunches.
Simply trim the roots off a batch of store bought green onions. Chop and freeze the rest to keep handy for soups or casseroles. Be sure to leave at least 1\2 inch of onion intact with the root. Plant roots about 2 inch apart and 1 1\2 inch deep with root down. Water well. In about a week sprouts will begin to pop out of the soul. Onions will be ready to harvest in about 6 to 8 weeks.
The stalk should be strong, sturdy and 8 to 14 inches tall. If the stalk begins to turn brown it may be ready for harvest. It it is not simply pluck the damage away. Pick your fresh crops and start the entire process all over again. TIP: onions grow best in cooler weather. Plant in late Fall or early Spring for maximum results. My luck is always best when I use a container for planting. Water moderately but never leave standing in drenched soil.
Even if you are not an avid Gardner you will enjoy the ease of producing fresh green onions. It takes very little effort, and minimal time to harvest these better tasting crops. Add them to your favorite dish and you'll be amazed.