I love houseplants. They add such atmosphere and color to my home. When not adorning my interior with vibrancy I like to give them a natural environment of sun and fresh air. Transferring these plants between the two climates needs to be done with caution. A drastic change in surroundings and temperatures can cause irreversible damage. On the other hand leaving plants outdoors in weather that is too cool for survival is certain disaster. Most house plants are tropical or sub-tropical in nature. They are not typically bred to survive in weather that turns too cool. It is best to plan on bringing house plants back indoors before the evening temperatures reach a low of 50 to 55 degree. You'll want to beginning to plan the move a week or two in advance.
First you will want to treat you plants with a chemical free insect control product before you begin action. You never want the disadvantage of harboring these tiny troublemakers indoors where they will thrive and multiply in the warmer conditions. You can find simple and quick homemade remedies for controlling unseen agitation. For some tips on treating your plants with simple homemade and chemical free remedies check More Pests to Eliminate. Clean the outside of all planting containers to remove soil and chemicals that do not belong in the house. Check the plant to make sure no unwanted visitors have arrived. Occasionally you will find a blade of grass or tiny weed has drifted into the pot. Remove them as quickly as they arrive.
Preparing the indoors for your foliage's change of scenery is important if you wish to minimize damage. A gradual transference of conditions is mandatory for adjustment and survival. Temperatures and sunlight should be as compatible as possible so the growth and health of indoor plants continue to progress. Refrain from moving plants from a seasonal temperature of 65 or 70 degree into a manufactured temperature of 75 or above. Provide essential direct sun light for at least six hours each day.
Once indoors keep the soil slightly damp, but never too wet. Over watering a plant is one of the most common ways to damage any foliage. A suitable amount of water on a weekly basis should provide plenty of moisture. Now is a good time to give your house plants a good feeding. Once you have given the soil a boost continue to maintain the level of nutrients with a monthly feeding. There are plenty of items around your own home that will give you plants the nutrition and boost they require. Visit here for a few tips on Feeding Plants From the Kitchen.
Moving plants between outdoors and indoors can be somewhat stressful if the process is not handle with care and thought. To keep your plants healthy throughtout the season and ready for a new spring be sure you handle all plants with caution and thought.