Which season is easiest to grown the best crops? The only honest answer to that question is-it depends on what part of the country you plant your garden in. Where I live temperatures over 100 in the summer are common. The warmer season holds on longer than many other climates. The coldest part of the year is shorter with fewer days below freezing. If you live, say in the Northern part of the US, you might have a shorter Summer season and longer Winter season. I adjust my routine accordingly.
In the Spring I plant my tomatoes, green beans, peas and peppers earlier than some may in other areas of the country. They also tend to fizzle out sooner as the hot weather comes on quickly and seems to last forever. I don't give up the garden though. I still keep my crops watered and check on them every day removing as much of the dead foliage as possible. While Summer winds down the blossoms on these plants will again peak out of the stems and I soon have a whole new set of crops.
Where I reside there is little doubt in my mind that my Fall garden thrives much better than the Spring garden. I attribute my more productive Fall garden to timing, determination and Mother Nature. If I know the climate best suited to my crops than I know when to best plan for my garden. For example green beans, tomatoes and peppers will thrive in Spring and Fall. If I care for the Spring plants they will succeed with more vegetables in Fall. The harvest will also be much greater. Why? Because the plants are already mature. There is now waiting for seedling to grow and yield results. Once the weather begins to cool off the blossoms will appear in abundance and fresh crops soon follow.
The Spring and Fall garden can both be gratifying. One of the most important tools you will have for success is proper planning. Know the environment best suited for your crops, and know the climate you will be harvesting in.
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